ROSWELL, NM ~ A place made famous for UFO events.
PERCIVAL LOWELL (astronomer)
H.G. WELLS (wrote "War of the Worlds", "The Time Machine", etc.)
GEORGE ORWELL (wrote "1984")
I looked up the word, "Roswell". It means "rose spring". I guess the "wells" part means spring. I wonder if the ETs chose "well" because it meant to them, "spring of life". If so, I wonder if that was a tag to identify certain people and certain families?
Some words only have LL in them and are still related to space, for ex. ORVILLE WRIGHT, and the new TV show, THE ORVILLE.
Recently, (Oct. 2003) the Sci-Fi Channel has embarked on several missions. One is investigating the "Kecksburg Incident", which is similar to the Roswell coverup.
Also, The Sci-Fi Channel is SUING the Government for information about the UFO problem in general, and the Kecksburg Incident in particular.
August 31, 2001 ~ We may have finally made CONTACT! The above three crop glyphs appeared in England a few days ago. Apparently the ETs decided to put patterns down that we ALL could understand. :-) They put a FACE, and two versions of a NASA signal. One version is what NASA sent into space, showing our kind of bodies, DNA, radio telescopes, etc. The other is the ETs' edited version, putting their own DNA, body-type, etc. in place of the ones we sent.
If this turns out to be actual "first contact", it will be the most important event in our history!
For new information on the meanings of these crop circles, see the YOWUSA website http://www.yowusa.com/Archive/May2003/crabwood4/crabwood4.htm
Also, see the GreatDreams website. The URL is http://www.greatdreams.com/crop/close-encounters.htm